
2012 年 5 月 2 日更新: 我们仍在测试并尝试修复一些未经确认的错误。不幸的是,这个过程花费的时间比预期的要长,但我们真的希望这个更新保持稳定,所以在我们感到满意之前我们不会发布它。可能至少会推迟到本周末。

自 2011 年 12 月上次演示以来发生了很多事情! 4个月过去了,我们的代码已经有超过500次更新(目前是r3255,最后一个演示是r2736),粉丝给我们发了29张新的多人游戏地图,玩家已经达到了近10年的在线游戏时间,最后一个演示已经下载超过10,000次!

We’ve been working on a lot of new features, some of which you might have seen on our Facebook page, Twitter feed or Youtube channel. Here are some of the most significant ones:

  • Faster loading (should mean less players are dropped due to loading taking too long)
  • Support for smaller resolutions (1024×576, 1024×600, 1280×720, etc.)
  • AI can build a small village to make food (we haven’t done the military side yet)
  • Minimap preview in the lobby showing which player has selected each location
  • Smarter deliveries and build queues, now the closest labourer/serf will always take the job
  • High quality shadows for units and trees (houses not working yet)
  • Smoother speed up
  • Archers are a bit less powerful
  • 4 new translations: Estonian, Bulgarian, Romanian and Lithuanian
  • 29 new multiplayer maps

Today I compiled a release candidate and sent it off to our translators and beta testers. Over the next week they’ll report issues and we’ll fix them. If there are no major issues we will hopefully release the update publicly next weekend! (28th-29th) If you want to help beta test the release candidate, please email us.

Remember to check here next weekend to see if the new demo is out 😉

113 回应“即将推出:第四个多人游戏演示


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