Contribuições e Shoutcasts de To

Desde o início, em 2008, o KaM Remake tem sido apoiado por uma forte comunidade de fãs de Cavaleiros e Mercadores. Sem as suas contribuições este jogo não estaria onde está hoje. Através de incentivos, feedback, testes de jogo, traduções, hospedagem de servidores, mapas, imagens, sons e muito mais, nossa comunidade ajudou a levar este jogo ao ponto onde está hoje. Ainda postamos no fórum pedindo feedback sobre novos recursos nos quais estamos trabalhando e frequentemente reformulamos nossas ideias com base nas sugestões da comunidade.
Obrigado a todos por todo o apoio ao longo dos anos!

In order to make it easier for people to help out, we’ve made a Página Wiki de contribuições on our Google Code site with a list of tasks needing to be done. We encourage you to discuss the tasks and post your work on the Contributions forum thread.

And now to a recent contribution of a different kind that you might be interested in: To, A member of our community from The Netherlands has started making shoutcasts of multiplayer KaM Remake matches. He commentates (in English) over a replay of a multiplayer game providing tactical insight and comments on different playing styles. The players are usually KaM veterans so you’re sure to see high player skill, strong teamwork and epic battles! As well as being fun to watch, they’re a great way to improve your own strategies and skill. 🙂

A full list of episodes can be found on his KaM shoutcast topic on the forum, but here’s a sample for you, a game from the tournament:

(you can find part 2 of the match aqui)

And finally, keep an eye on this site for news regarding the next release, Krom and I are already making plans. 😉

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