ТеамСпеак сервер

АЖУРИРАЊЕ 23. септембра 2013: Постоји нова адреса сервера: камтс.еу

Комуникација са својим савезницима у КаМ играма за више играча је неопходна. Једини проблем је што често нема времена да откуцате поруку, заиста морате да викнете свом савезнику: „Пази! Померите своје војнике!” или нешто слично, али нисте у могућности. Па, сада постоји решење за овај проблем! Љубазни фан по имену ТиеСТо нам је омогућио да користимо неке канале на ТеамСпеак серверу. ТеамСпеак је програм који вам омогућава да уђете у канал и разговарате са свима у тој просторији одједном, било притиском на тастер да бисте активирали микрофон или аутоматским активирањем микрофона када детектује звук. То је као Скипе у соби за ћаскање.

I have used TeamSpeak in a few KaM games already and I found it to be very useful. It’s much easier to work together with your allies and alert them of danger without the need to type. You can also chat and make friends while building your village. Even if you don’t have a microphone or don’t want to talk, listening to your allies is still very useful. Below are instructions for installing and using TeamSpeak with this server.

Step 1. Download the TeamSpeak 3 client

Step 2. Run the installer and follow the instructions

Step 3. Start TeamSpeak and follow the Setup Wizard that will help you configure it the first time. Enter a nickname for yourself.

Step 4. Choose between Voice Activation Detection (transmits when it detects you speaking) or Push-To-Talk which will only transmit when you hold down a chosen key (you can change these things later from Settings). On the next screen you can test your microphone volume.

Step 5. At the end of the wizard uncheck “Open public server list” и “Rent your own TeamSpeak server” before you finish (you will be using the KaM TeamSpeak server so neither of these options are necessary).

Step 6. Next to add the KaM TeamSpeak server click Connections on the main menu then Connect. In Server Address put: камтс.еу and click connect (there is no password).

Step 7. Scroll down to the channel “Knights and Merchants” and double click on one of the channels there to join it. Note: This server is not only used for Knights and Merchants, so please only use the channels under “Knights and Merchants”.

Step 8. You can now talk to everyone in that channel! Ask your friend and allies to join you so you can communicate easily while you play. You can use whatever languages you like in the server, we don’t mind at all. There are currently 5 channels available so if one is already in use pick and empty one. We will create more channels if it is needed.

If you have any questions or need help please just ask below and we’ll be more than happy to assist you 🙂

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